Friday, November 25, 2011

Things To Remeber While Ghost Hunting: Rules.

This is a list of rules/hints that you need to know when ghost hunting. Read through these and memorize them. If you have to write them down, like I did. :p

1. Conduct yourself professionaly
2. Never threaten unseen entities
3. Do NOT leave trash and such at a investigation sight
4. Keep a phone or pager, even a walkie talkie, handy during investgations
5. Do not rough house
6. Do not smoke, or drink during investagtions
7. Get permission to investagate
8. Do not go where you are unwanted
9. Do not split up during an ivestagation (you can if there are more than 3 or 4 of you.)
10. Be careful when splitting up. Make sure to have a phone or two per group
11. If you are on lockdown (like is ghost adventures) then make sure some one on the out side has a car, phone, and can watch everyone at the time
12. Put more than one camera (if using them) in an area. make sure people on the outside can see whats going on
That's about all the things you need to remember. Also, you need to know you equitment. How to use it and all.

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