Monday, November 21, 2011

Rules of Ghost Hunting

There are many rules of Ghost hunting. You may have heard some of them, but here's a list of them. I'll try to give detail and examples of mistakes and/or reasons.
1. Let them (ghosts & spirits) know they are not forgotten
Let your journey in this field of study be a labor of love. Remember to be respectful of ghosts & spirts, as they were once people, and still are for that matter. If you don't, some spirts can turn on you.

2. Never tease, threaten or dare an unseen entity
First of all, we want to be taken seriously. Secondly, we are ghost hunters, not bullies. Lastly, we sure don't want any vindictive entities following us home or worse yet, attacking and hurting us. Some mistakes of teasing, threatening, or daring an unseen entity are: Telling them to use your energy to talk, saying that they aren't there, ect. Some other reasons are: You do NOT want to get possesed, you don't know what's lurking around, and you could upset it by threatening it, etc.

3. Conduct yourself as a professional at all times
We always want to present ourselves as one in control. And that of course means around other investigators, victims of a haunting, and even to the ghosts themselves. Self-confidence and control will radiate like a beacon of light and thus serve as a shield of protection. If you act unresponsable, and some one is letting you into their home to do and investgation, they will think you are unprofessional, and won't let you back into their home, and/or kick you out.

4. Never seek out entities on your own
A team of two works well and three is the ideal number. Larger groups will need to break up into smaller groups. (The breaking up into smaller groups goes against one rule. If there are less than four people in your group: DO NOT SPLIT UP! ONE OF YOU COULD GET HURT!)

5. Addicting habits can be contradictory to your ghostly pursuits
Examples would be heavy addictions to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, an abnormal sex drive, etc. These things in excess make you vulnerable and susceptible to attack. The attack stems from the entities attraction to your addictions and also because of your weakness. Mind altering substances are particularly enticing to them.

6. Pay attention to your dreams
Entities will use this relaxed state of mind & body to try and influence or torment it's targeted victim. Use whatever wording is necessary (according to your own spiritual beliefs) to command such an intrusion to cease. Command it in the holy name of your God or higher power.

7. Use religious relics & symbols as a protection
But only use these if you believe in what they can do. It's not the item itself that has the power, it's what it symbolizes according to your faith. That's what actually gives it its power

.8. Listen to your instincts and your intuition
Draw from the power within. You will find this to be your greatest resource.

9. Never leave a team member behind, not ever
Commit yourself to the task at hand until it's done. A combined effort makes the team a whole intricate working structure.

10. Always consider all aspects of a haunting
Go into an investigation with a kind heart and gracious attitude. But know that most hauntings can be explained. i.e. house settling, furnace noises etc. And as sad as it is, you must also consider the mental & emotional state of the victim as well. Paranoia, delusional aspects and mental illness in general may be a consideration. As a final note; it should also be stated however, that in some cases, an unstable person can actually be open to these types of visitors and or attacks.

11. Always remember, you are the one in control
You have the body and thus you have the power. It's really simple, you are in your element. This is your dimension and your reality. Unseen entities are intruders into your space. That is, unless they are invited in or find a way in through your weaknesses. Be strong by curving appetites and living a productive & wholesome life.

12. Be familiar with all aspects of the supernatural
Know well the entities you pursue. Understand them and the things of their world. Knowledge is power. The more you know, the more confident you become. Be careful though, not all knowledge is good. Acquire it with a scientific standpoint.

13. Your best protection is in the life you lead
If you are active in ghostly pursuits then evil will cross your path, so be armed. If you are religious, then live your religion. But whether you are or not, you best protection is to live so as to put others first. Good deeds and a love for all life is your greatest protection

. 14. Don't be afraid to experiment
Not everything you try will work. If one attempt or theory fails, keep trying. Simply move on to the next thing on your list. And by all means, have a list.

15. Do your homework
Consider all aspects of an investigation before you go. A preliminary walk through ahead of time is advised. Doing a history check is helpful as well. Anything you can find out ahead of time will be to your advantage.

16. Never be without outside contact
Make sure others outside your team are aware of where you are when on an assignment or investigation. A cell phone is a must. Or computer. Some peoople will take computers, pagers, etc, in case of an emergency. You must always have a way to contact some one nearby with a car if something goes wrong.

There are more, I will post them later. My computer is running slow.

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